
Alisa Hamilton

Alisa loves marketing research, her family, good wine, and puppies
(not necessarily in that order).

Another DIY Revolution??

Another DIY Revolution??

If you follow any of my social media, you probably know that my kitchen decided that a global pandemic was just the right time to start shutting down appliances. It started with the refrigerator just about 3 days before the massive shutdown. Then about 3 days later, the dishwasher decided to break. Yes, they are 6’ apart from each other so they don’t have coronavirus.

Normally in this situation, I would do some online shopping and then go to the store to check out options. I’d also pay for someone to come remove the old one and install a new one. None of that in-person interaction seems to be viable at the moment. So, it’s DIY time! To keep myself (and apparently the cat) entertained, I decided to capture the excitement on video:

Important Safety Notes:

  1. No puppies or kitties were harmed in the dishwasher debacle

  2. I only had half a glass of wine, that is just my normal ‘learning something new giddiness,’

  3. Yes, I waited until my husband went on a walk because I didn’t think he would be a fan of this idea

  4. Spoiler Alert: I did eventually get the dishwasher out but I did have to get husband’s help to pull the wires through (he didn’t think cutting them was a good idea)

  5. I maintain that cutting them would have done the same job 10x faster

So what does this one experience tell us about the future…probably not much, but we do know that lots of things are going to change when we come out the other side of this. There’s going to be new trends, new fears, and probably a whole new baby boom in around 9 months.

Thus, I think it’s reasonable to think that people are going to be even more ‘handy’ than they were when they started. Maybe they are a little more ready to try to tackle their own projects. Does that mean that those in the market research industry will use more DIY tools on the other side of this? I don’t know, but with markets constricting, I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume that MR budgets are also going to take a downward turn just as companies need more answers from consumers. To me, that points to a robust market for DIY tools and for companies like that help people use them properly (maybe…hopefully….who knows).

Anyway, that’s just my pondering for a Friday. I’ve got Part 2 of the Online Qual blog that will be launching on Monday. Stay Safe! Stay in! Don’t electrocute yourself on broken appliances!

So...Your In-Person Qual Cancelled (Part II)

So...Your In-Person Qual Cancelled (Part II)

So…Your In-Person Qual Canceled (Part I)

So…Your In-Person Qual Canceled (Part I)