Harvest Insights

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The Digital Future

I'm very fortunate to have a husband who works on the cutting edge of technology at Razorfish, a huge digital agency.  I've never been the most technological savvy person, but I love thinking about the future of research in this increasingly connected world.  I would recommend that you take a look at the e-book that Razorfish just published, Digital Dopamine. There are two sections that I think are particularly applicable to us - The Digital Experience Economy and  Good Digital Experiences Keeps Us Loyal.

The Digital Experience Economy focuses on where marketers turn when traditional advertising is no longer effective, and by the way, that time is now.  Consumers are looking for brands that are useful and make their lives easier while they are avoiding or ignoring traditional advertising channels.  I think that leads to two fundamental questions:

1) How do we measure the ROI on programs designed to improve a brand's utility?

2) What is the future of advertising research?  Do we need to start thinking about measuring its effectiveness differently?

The Good Digital Experiences Keeps Us Loyal gives us insight into improving the experience for survey participants.  By providing "surprises and delights," engineering anticipation into the experience, and making it easy for participants to work surveys into their everyday digital habits, we can improve response rates and potentially improve reliability.

I hope that you enjoy the e-book!