Harvest Insights

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Qualtrics InsightSummit

I'm out in Salt Lake City this week at the Qualtrics InsightSummit.  So far I'm loving this "conference" if you can call it that.  It's more like a highly glorified sales pitch for their products,but they do such a good job of surrounding that pitch in high value speakers/entertainers. Maybe I'm biased by the fact that I'm going to see Elton John perform tonight in a private concert. Regardless, it is inspiring to come to a place like this where everyone speaks the same language.  I love to talk nerd talk with others in our industry, but I do need to get better at passing out business cards.  I'm good at talking to people and TERRIBLE at selling myself.  Not the best skill to lack as an entrepreneur.  I guess I'll just try to enjoy myself at #insightsummit.