Harvest Insights

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I took the leap of faith this year and invested in Qualtrics.  The truth is that I've been using it for several years but only through client accounts that they set up for me.  I've spent two years as a freelancer focusing on my qualitative business; after all, freelance moderation is easy to understand and sell. However, this year has been different.  Suddenly the quant proposals have been pouring in.  I attribute this to the fact that companies are not necessarily hiring for every position they might want these days so there is a lot of overflow work for freelancers like me.  On the other side of the equation, someone like me with little overhead can be attractive to small to mid-size businesses looking to avoid the excessive prices of the big marketing research conglomerates.

I'm thrilled to use the quant side of my brain again.  I spent the majority of my career, particularly the last 8 years doing primarily quant.  It's nice to get back to it and to not have to worry about traveling.  Keep those quant projects coming - I do have to pay for this license now!!!