Harvest Insights

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Welcome to the Team, Mr Tappy

Oh Mr. Tappy, your name alone makes you a valuable asset to our team. Just saying Mr. Tappy puts a smile on my face, and yet, you bring so much more…

Mr. Tappy brings with him a simple way to test app usability with real live people. Just plug him in, throw the phone onto Mr. Tappy, and Voila!

Mr. Tappy at work!

No more staring over a respondent’s shoulder. Now, we can now see their gestures and taps on a separate screen. We can also broadcast the session directly so others can watch remotely.

Alisa and Mr. Tappy have suitcases and are not afraid to travel while you sit back and watch from the comfort of your office (or couch). With Mr. Tappy, we can capture all of the feedback you need to optimize your app.